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Tuesday, November 18, 2014

My collection

I love old lenses.   Over the years, I have amassed what I consider to be pretty good collection of lenses.  Here is a list of my lenses, my rating of these lenses and well as what I believe to be reasonable price for them at the time of my review:

Canon 40mm 2.8 EF STM
Canon 50mm 1.8 EF
Contax Zeiss 45mm 2.8 (9/10 $200)
Contax Zeiss 50mm 1.7
Fujinon-X 50mm 1.2 EBC
Kodak Retina Xenar 50mm 2.8
Nikkor 50mm 1.4 AIS
Takumar SMC 50mm 4.0 Macro
Takumar Super 55mm 1.8
Topcor RE 58mm 1.8 (9/10 $75)
Yashica ML 50mm 2.0 (3/10 $20)

My collection also include some non-normal lenses:

Canon 28mm 2.8 IS USM
Canon 100mm EF Macro
Contax Zeiss 28mm 2.8
Funinon 35mm 2.8 EBC M42
Mamiya SX 135mm M42 (7/10 $35)
Nikkor-P 105mm 2.5 (8/10 $75)
Olympus Zuiko 24mm 2.8
Olympus Zuiko 28mm 3.5
Takumar 20mm 4.5 (8/10 $150)
Takumar 28mm 3.5
Takumar 35mm 3.5 (8/10 $40)
Topcor RE 25mm 3.5 (8/10 $150)
Topcor RE 35mm 2.8
Topcor RE 135mm 3.5

Some of these lenses like the Takumars, Nikkors and Zuikos required almost no work to adapt to my camera, a Canon 5DII while others such as the Primagon and Topcors needed major surgery before they could work on my camera.  I look forward to share some of my experiences and impressions regarding these lenses with you. Additionally, I continue to spend too much time looking for nice lens deals on ebay.  I am happy to share my finds in these pages as well.

1 comment:

  1. Nice list. I own a Canon 5D classic and am using the Yashica ML 50mm/f2 and like it quite a bit but am open to changing it. With a budget of US$ 100, what lens would you recommend to change to?
